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What We Stand For 


Racial, gender & sexual identity, migrant status all  have deep inequities in Long Beach. They affect the health outcomes, economic instability, and safety of our community. 


In Long Beach we have a 17 year life expectancy difference. Policy addressing Racial inequity is needed to address all gaps and  lift all residents.   


The Climate Crisis takes over 7 million lives a year. We must ground all public policy in climate resiliency and stopping our dependency on fossil fuels while working with Labor and economic development leaders to ensure these are good career level jobs. 


Everyone deserves safe & affordable housing, from youth, vulnerable populations, to our aging community.  


Our most vulnerable populations deserve diverse housing options, some including wrap around services, mental health support. 

Youth & Families 

Youth and Families face the same challenges in addition to access to quality public education, career pipelines, and services and support for our unhoused youth, and vulnerable aging population. Priorities include good job standards for those who care for our families, and digital inclusion. 

Who We Are

Founded in 2019  by long-time social justice activist, and democratic party leader, Naida Tushnet, We manage a small volunteer board, have hundreds of Long Beach donors, and work to be a Political Action Committee that every resident can participate in, volunteer with, and access candidates and decision-makers on issues we focus on.  

Naida Tushnet

Naida Tushnet, PhD. (she/her/hers)

Naida Tushnet retired from leading a program that evaluated educational and other social programs about 10 years ago. Since then, she has been an activist for peace and social justice. She serves as vice chair of the Advisory Commission for Senior Citizens, immediate past president of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at CSULB, where she also teaches course that explore the roots of current social problems. Prior to coming to Long Beach, she led programs in research and development organizations, a state education agency, and the US Department of Education. Her first professional jobs were as a high school history teacher, in Pennsylvania and Missouri. Naida holds a BA from Grinnell College, an MA from Columbia University (both in history), and a PhD in policy analysis from Washington University in St. Louis.

Women of Long Beach is proud to have had women from across the city, industry, and experiences to have participated in leadership roles to ensure women are centered in the political discourse.  Women who have served include the Honorable Jeannine Pearce, Honorable Tonia Reyes Uranga, Dr. Ennette Morton, Dr. Christine Petite, Jacqui Viale, Nubia Flores, and Rocio Torres. We are proud of their leadership and the continued roles they play in the greater Long Beach community.  

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